BodyMind Living


Michele “Shelly” Acker, BS, RRT, LMT

Owner, Imagine Living Well LLC

Associate Degree Massage Therapist, LMT

Certified BodyMind Coach
COPE Certified Health Coach (Center for Obesity Prevention and Education)

Specialties / Modalities
3rd Degree Reiki Master Practitioner
60 Hours John Barnes Myofascial Release
3 year mentorship in conscious living and inner transformation with Richard Moss MD/ Author

Why I love being a BodyMind Coach

In December of 2018, I was blessed to find BodyMind Coaching with Laura Wieck.  

The first time I learned that my body had 3 brains and that I was not crazy to trust my gut, I wept with gratitude.  And that was just the beginning.  When I felt myself land fully into my body and experienced that connection, I truly felt as though I had come Home.  I want everyone to live from that powerful space of connection and take the best next step to live their life Optimally Well and Courageously Authentic.  It is so needed in our world now more than ever.

BodyMind Coaching allows me to utilize over 35 years of spiritual and holistic practice combined with embodiment and connection to support those who want to thrive and make changes in their life but are not sure how.

I look forward to working with you; one on one or during one of my retreats or BodyMind Connected “Transporation” adventures.