BodyMind Living


Stephanie Jefferson

Stephanie Jefferson

Bodymind Coach and Massage Therapist

After sixteen years of providing massage & bodywork to thousands of clients. I have come to a point in my career where I want to serve more. I want to HELP MORE. The amount of people who come to me hoping for a quick fix, only to go home and do nothing further to better their situation, is all too familiar.

I have been in a place of burn out, frustration and illness. I also know how magnificent it feels to get on the other side. This is why I coach others.

I specialize in helping clients break through old ways of thinking that are holding them back. I empower them and hold them accountable. I guide them as they reach their goals & I do so through BodyMind Coaching & Massage Therapy!

I’m not your average coach. I’ve been told I’m “aggressively motivational”, I have “no chill” or my favorite… “sometimes you scare me.” Haha
I’ll swear at you & give it to you straight. I also will shower you with support, empathy & be the biggest cheerleader you have ever had in your corner.

You will learn what “living body mind” actually means. You will change.

There will be laughter, victories & the greatest support you never knew you needed!

Let’s change your world together!