I’m embarrassed to show you this picture

I once heard that most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a decade. 

Well… that is a lesson that I was reminded of this week. 

In order to fully explain the situation, I need to show you a picture that I’m a bit embarrassed to share. 

Let me give you the context.

I recently returned from an amazing mastermind event with my mentor and colleagues who will collectively do over $100 Million in revenue this year. 

Ten years ago, I would never have imagined that I would be a part of such a community.

My biggest takeaway from the event was this: My number one job, above anything else in my life and business, is to curate my energy. 

I am 100% responsible for my energy and the choices that I make from it and how I utilize it. 

So imagine my reaction when I got home and walked into this (and yes, this is the picture I’m embarrassed to show you):

Growing up, I was taught that every time I got new clothes I should get rid of something old. Yet, how easy is it to hold onto things just in case?

Maybe you know the thoughts…

I’ll wear this again when I lose the weight…

I can get rid of this for [sentimental reason]…

What if I need this for [some super random reason]….

Truth is, my closet was starting to represent other areas of my life and business and I wasn’t going to create the space for what I really desired if I kept holding onto these excuses. 

So I took everything out.

And that is when I started to ask myself some powerful questions:

What am I tolerating in life and business that I’m ready to release?

Where am I waiting for things to be “perfect” before I start?

What might be possible when I love myself NOW as the person I am today, not the person I was or the person I think I should be?

🌟What amazing things get to show up when I stop holding on to what no longer services me and show up fully for myself?

You see, it’s so easy to make excuses for things that don’t belong instead of making space for what you truly desire.

Where in your life are you asking for more but you’re not willing to make the space or take the bold action to receive more? 

Here’s where this story takes a twist…

In the process of choosing what I allow back into my closet (and life!), I found a letter I wrote to myself ten years ago. 

Ten years ago, I was a booked solid and burnt out practitioner who was charging $75/hour even though I was spending an additional 30 minutes, 45 minutes, even an hour *extra* with my clients and not charging for it. My husband and I were unsuccessfully trying to start a family. 

My closet was full with no room for me or the things I desired.  

That is when I made a bold (and scary) decision to invest in myself in a big way. 

I signed up for (and put a huge chunk of cash on my credit card without knowing how I was going to pay it back) for a coaching retreat later that year. 

That retreat changed my life, even before I actually got on the plane to attend. 

When I said “yes” to that investment, I was saying “yes!” to making space in my life for something bigger. 

I didn’t wait to figure it out before I started. 

I didn’t let my excuses run my life. 

I decided at that moment that I was ready for more. 

While at the retreat, I wrote a letter to myself where I made a promise to myself to always trust and follow my intuition. 

And while I was cleaning out my closet, I found that later.

Reading these words that I wrote to myself, ten years later, literally blew my mind:

“You are creating a new genre of coaching that is powerful and life changing. You have stopped hiding behind certainty and put your vision out there for the world to see. Remember, the road to mastery is not a straight line. There will be ups and downs, success and learning, lessons and growth. But as long as your soul–your heart– your intuition– is guiding you, you will always find the next step.”

If you would have told me ten years ago, that I would go on to build a world-class, world-wide coaching training company that has generated multi-7 figures, I don’t know if I would have believed you. 


When you boldly commit first and make space for what you desire to come in, what shows up will be so much bigger than you can even imagine. 

I will leave you with this question…

Ten years from now, when you look back at this moment, what bold decision will you be glad you made? 



P.S. Ready to transition your service-based work into high-ticket coaching and go all in on you and your gifts? If so, my team would love to connect to see how The BodyMind Coaching Program might support you in finding YOUR path, schedule a call with my team.

And if you’re curious… here’s what my closet looks like now:

Laura Wieck

BodyMind Founder & Creator

Laura Wieck, Certified Master Coach and Mentor, Licensed Massage Therapist

Laura is the creator and founder of BodyMind Living© as well as the BodyMind Coaching Certification Program with Laura Wieck TM which teaches holistic practitioners how to incorporate a coaching structure with their healing work.

After years of working with clients in her own massage practice, she noticed that her clients’ mental stress impacted them physically… and their physical stress impacted them mentally. She got curious and started to explore all things BodyMind which led her down a path of personal and professional discovery. Through it, she curated the BodyMind Method©, a proprietary coaching process that gives voice to the body and allows for deeper healing in your life.

Laura holds a degree in Biology from The College of Wooster, she is also a Licensed Massage Therapist, Leadership Coach, and Cognitive Coach. She lives in Ohio with her husband, son, and well-loved pup.


IG: @LauraWieck
FB: LauraWieck

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