Why do most wellness professionals get stuck at 6-figures?

I’ve been talking recently about what it means to ‘scale’ your business and how it’s more about expansion, receiving, and living the fullness of who you are than it is about complicated funnels, email templates, and social media strategy.

You may have heard me say that I help wellness professionals scale beyond 6+ figures by incorporating an embodied framework into their business.

Today we are going to dive into the second part of that statement and explore why so many holistic & wellness professionals get stuck at 6-figures.

What I’ve discovered is there are 3 main things that often get in the way of folks who want to scale.

(And I’d you’re someone who is ready for a better way to work, we are accepting applications for the next round of BodyMind Coaching).

Let’s dive in:

:dotted_line_face:The invisible ceiling

Most wellness professionals are taught to trade time for money and at a certain point, you physically can’t do more. This is what I call the invisible ceiling and it’s where your time, energy, and income are all capped.

It’s important to note that client results also are capped.

The time for money structure operates from the belief that your DOING equals your value.

It also creates an unspoken agreement that your clients pay you to fix them (yes… I know this goes against everything you teach your clients. That is why I said it’s *unspoken*).

So what happens if you want to increase your income and your value— you DO more.

But in a profession that is often physically and energetically demanding, at some point your resources of time and energy run out.

From my experience— this often happens at the 6-figure mark.

The truth is, the most heart-centered, here-to-make-a-difference folks have a special quality to them. It is their BEing and presence that is actually valuable.

Breaking the time for money trap is essential if you want to increase you income *and your impact*.

For many of our BodyMind clients, working *less* is the key to breaking through. In fact, we show you how to make multi-six figures by with only 8-12 clients.

It is so much easier than trading time for money.

This brings me to my second point…

Your physiology fights you :boxing_glove:

Moving beyond 6+ figures requires you to work smarter, not harder.

But what the f**k does that even mean?!

And why does it feel like you’re fighting yourself the whole way?!

Before I answer the first question, it’s important to understand that your brain defaults to linear thinking.

(It’s why ‘time for money’ is a happy equation to your brain… “You want more money… just work harder!” – :brain: )

And if you are overwhelmed, exhausted or on the brink of burnout, not only do you have a neural pathway that says “making money = doing”, you also create one that says “making money = pain”.

It’s why so many folks self-sabotage and stay stuck.


“The hardest part is letting it be easy.” 
– Laura Wieck 
(yup- I said that!)

My team and I support our clients with this every single day. It is what makes the BodyMind Method so powerful.

You have a lifetime of habits, patterns and neural pathways that are stronger than your desire for more. 

It takes time, consistent action, and support to create a new paradigm.

And now to that second question— how do you work smarter not harder?

Years ago, I was listening to a podcast that changed how I thought forever. The host said, instead of trying to double your goal, 10x your goal. It breaks the linear thinking and makes you find the small, simple things you can leverage.

And if you want to know my superpower, it is doing just that :arrow_heading_up:.

The key to your next level is hiding in the simple, ordinary things you’re already doing (check out this free resource to help you uncover them).

And let me tell you… these simple things are so much more valuable than you realize!

And that brings us to my third point…

:lying_face:The lie of “enough”

Watch out, I’m about to get fired up!!

If I had a dollar for every time someone told me they’re “not in it for the money” and yet constantly chasing clients because they need more money… my family would be living on a yacht in the Caribbean right now.

My response is always the same, “then you should be a millionaire!” 

Y’all— we live in a practical world where money is a part of our practical life. And like Rachel Rogers says, “It may sound nice to say that you are above making money, but unless you are also above paying rent, eating, and clothing yourself, you’re full of shit.”. 

This is why my definition of “scaling” is centered around expansion, living fully, and receiving abundantly so that you can give even more generously to the world!

And yes— that includes money!!!

I don’t know where this lie of wanting ‘just enough’ ever came from or that you’re selfish if you want more. It drives me freaking bonkers.

Your desire for expansion is part of your DNA!

Your dreams were put in YOU for a purpose!

The universe comes alive when you create!!

You can be grateful and still want more!

And yes— that means you can make more money— a shit ton of more money :moneybag:!

Btw— you don’t need anyone’s permission.

I dream of a world where we— the healers, feelers, care-givers— are involved in local government, school boards, community planning, corporate leadership, and so much more.

Here’s the thing, I’m not for you if I have to convince you that it’s ok to receive abundantly for your gifts.

An oak tree doesn’t feel guilty about receiving sunlight, water and nutrients.

No! An oak tree stands firmly in its precedes! It fully receives and, in turn, fully gives.

Going beyond 6-figures is about standing fully in YOUR presence and receiving ABUNDANTLY for your gifts knowing that those around you are receiving too!

The most important thing to remember is that what got you to where you are now— the systems, structures, beliefs, habits, and patterns— won’t get you to your next level.

So… are you ready to scale beyond 6+ figures????

Let’s do this!


Laura Wieck

BodyMind Founder & Creator

Laura Wieck, Certified Master Coach and Mentor, Licensed Massage Therapist

Laura is the creator and founder of BodyMind Living© as well as the BodyMind Coaching Certification Program with Laura Wieck TM which teaches holistic practitioners how to incorporate a coaching structure with their healing work.

After years of working with clients in her own massage practice, she noticed that her clients’ mental stress impacted them physically… and their physical stress impacted them mentally. She got curious and started to explore all things BodyMind which led her down a path of personal and professional discovery. Through it, she curated the BodyMind Method©, a proprietary coaching process that gives voice to the body and allows for deeper healing in your life.

Laura holds a degree in Biology from The College of Wooster, she is also a Licensed Massage Therapist, Leadership Coach, and Cognitive Coach. She lives in Ohio with her husband, son, and well-loved pup.


IG: @LauraWieck
FB: LauraWieck

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