Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly: Freedom & Flexibility

I know many of you are here because you are trying to “work smarter, not harder.”

I know you are doing the work to balance your schedule, to create time and space for freedom and flexibility. Many of you went into business for yourself in order to have more freedom and flexibility, right?

I was recently on a vacation with my family when I realized that there is a much deeper process being activated as we shift and deepen our business beyond hands-on, in-person work. See, when I was a booked solid practitioner, taking a vacation was so needed and yet the only way I could do it was to overwork in order to make space for the free time. And, then, when on vacation, I found myself thinking I was lazy and irresponsible for not working. Crazy, right? But, I know I’m not alone!

There is a physical rewiring around our beliefs on what creates more freedom and flexibility for us, and I want to use this week’s Embodied Entrepreneur to support you in deepening this process for yourself.

The Quote We Are Pondering

freedom & flexibility quote

“Embodiment IS the key to mindset. It’s the heart of transformation. It is also why holistic practitioners make the best coaches.” ~Laura Wieck

Whenever we are shifting our mindset, we at BodyMind Living know that embodiment is needed first and is key.

Here’s why… So many of our clients only listen to the stories going on in their heads. But, it’s the body that holds all the deep knowing, the important information, and the energy that can truly guide a person toward what’s best.

True coaching is about helping clients listen to their hearts and the wisdom that lives within their bodies.❤️

When you do so, the freedom we all crave really gets to emerge in powerful ways. I invite you to reflect on how embodiment is supporting your mindset shifts, your transformations, and those of your clients? Where are the gaps, if any?

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

Nearly EVERY person who comes to work with my team and I say they desire two main things: freedom and flexibility.

And yet– they are booked solid, over-giving, and starting to resent the very work they love.

Something has got to change. In this short training video, I’m sharing a simple, yet profound skill that will change how you approach your work. It’s a skill that is grounded in embodiment because that is where the true freedom and flexibility you seek actually comes from.

Coach Spotlight

Meet Lauren, BodyMind Method© Coach, Herbalist, and Moon Maven

Lauren is an Herbalist, Moon Maven, and BodyMind Method© Coach, and she’s the owner and founder of Radicle Remedies, a business that beautifully blends her deep knowledge of the earth’s elements with coaching support that helps clients implement these elements into their busy lives. She’s also the creator of the amazing ritual tea set you see later in this email! But, don’t just take our work for it, here’s what one of her clients had to say about Lauren’s amazingness:

As I drop in some Passionflower Extract to my morning water I can take a deep breath and know the rest of my day will be calm. To say that Radicle Remedies has helped me would be an understatement. It has changed my daily life completely. ~Maria

Lauren loves to “help multi passionate, nature loving business owners and leaders release the hustle mindset and learn to put themselves first in their businesses and their lives. [Her and her clients] work together to connect more deeply to their bodies, attune their menstrual cycles to the moon, and plan their businesses to match the way their OWN energies and needs fluctuate with the rhythms and cycles of nature and the moon.

Life changing work with herbs from the earth and coaching support from Lauren? Yes, please!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

In this week’s powerful article we are sharing with our clients, BodyMind Ambassador, Jaimee Mashula, reflects on her rock bottom moment in life.

…the day came when my battery, literally, wore out. I was at our local Subway ordering a sub after my workout, following a 10-hour work day. As I was letting the person behind the counter know what toppings I would like on my sub, I felt a sensation of extreme heat wash over me. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor surrounded by staff of the store and some of the other patrons.

Whoa! Whether you’ve literally passed out before from exhaustion or simply hit your own mental, emotional, and physical wall in a different way, what opportunity do Jaimee’s words offer us?

We often wait until we are at our burnt out point before making a change, before creating the freedom and flexibility we desire in our lives. Here’s what Jaimee offers us in this article that I want you to read yourself, then share with your clients, and have some discussion about:

Learning to listen to these signals that your body is sending you is the most important piece in finding ease in your life. Are you listening to the cues your body is sending you?

Resources For Your Holistic Practice

“A ritual is a ceremony or action that serves as a bridge between our outer and inner worlds.” These are the wise reminders we need from amazing souls, like Lauren Piro, who created this amazing ritual tea set.

Many of us look outside of ourselves and see others with schedules that seem more open and free, and we think, “How do I get that?”

Well, friend, it starts from within, and we love how, as Lauren describes it, “the simple act of making tea IS good medicine. Imagine feeling calm, peaceful, and grounded as you begin your day with your sacred morning tea ritual.It’s a complete sensory experience.

And, we know and your heart knows you are ready for it.

Love note from Laura

So, friend, how are you exploring what freedom and flexibility get to look like in your life?

What are your next embodied steps? Maybe you will take another 10-20 minutes and work through the amazing content provided here, finding inspiration for yourself, for your next email or social media post, and for your next session with your clients.

We also know you may be ready for that next step… the step that fully supports you in discovering freedom in your business and flexibility in your schedule, where your “doing” is not the only means of your “earning.” And, that, my friend, is where our team is ready to meet you. Click the button below to begin a conversation, a simple first step to a lifetime of change. Talk soon!

Head here to connect with us and receive next step support.



P.S. We are now accepting applications for the next round of The BodyMind Coaching Program! It’s pretty simple to explore if this is a good fit for you.

First, you complete an application, letting us know about all of your amazingness and your goals (with no obligation to buy), and then we provide good fit applicants with an amazing training to help you get started on your journey.

The training will walk you through our “4-Part Coaching Framework To Grow Your Impact & Income Without Adding More To Your Schedule (because it’s time to have a business that feels good for you )”

Head here to get started and apply today.

*thank you to DESIGNECOLOGIST @designecologist for making this banner photo available freely on Unsplash!

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