Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly: Your Impact Creates Your Income (and vice versa)

In my upcoming book (yes, I’m writing a book!), The BodyMind Method, I share a common phrase I hear all the time from holistic entrepreneurs:

“I’m not in it for the money.”

I then quickly respond in person (and in the book) with “I love that and that is why you are the perfect person to make a ton of money because I know you will use those resources to create a big impact!”

In this round of the Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly, I want to support you in talking about your impact and your income. See, in The BodyMind Coaching Program, we provide a one-of-a-kind coach training for service-based entrepreneurs, who are ready to simplify their business, amplify their income, and have freedom and flexibility in their lives without sacrificing client results. In previous weeks, we’ve explored freedom and flexibility as well as ways to simplify your business. Now, it’s time to amplify your income while simultaneously amplifying your impact.

As always, you are invited to do some reflecting, writing, and sharing of this content!

The Quote We Are Pondering

“I do what they can’t do. I just do me.” 
~ Eve

Did you think I was going to start talking about growing your impact and income by sharing the top 3 secrets to expanding your business? Did you think I was going to give you something you didn’t have? The magic bullet to all the successful things?!

Well, I hope you find pure delight in pondering this quote instead and learn to just do you! There are so many people in this world that spend their entire life trying to be someone they aren’t

(I used to be one of them!!) What’s even worse, there are some who have completely given up on themselves and don’t try at all! There is a freedom, a happiness and joy when you re-learn how to just BE. And, guess what: the impact and income follows when you do!

Do some sharing and writing about this quote in your next post and tag us @bodymindliving

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

One of the most amazing experiences I get to be a part of in the current BodyMind Coaching Program is witnessing our clients awakening to their inner wisdom, or “hidden gem,” as Alina McGilloway describes it in this week’s embodiment video.

When we think of amplifying our income, we often think we need to do more and give more. Instead, I want to invite you to use this calming video and Alina’s words to let your hidden gem shine through. Often, the things that come easiest to us are what others find most powerful. 

Coach Spotlight

Meet Love, Bobbie Jo, BodyMind Method© Coach, Author, Meditation Guide, & Transformational Speaker

Bobbie Jo believes that the world needs who YOU are.

After decades of losing herself in all life’s should’s and expectations, Bobbie Jo reconnected to her personal truth, tossed the societal script, owned her voice and claimed her stage– transforming her life.

Now, she guides others in making the move from stage fright to spotlight– to be all of who they came here to be and to make their impact in the world. Clients working with Bobbie Jo discover a deeper sense of connection, clarity of personal purpose, confidence in self-expression and the courage to take the steps to create the life and business they truly desire.

Here’s how one client describes working with Bobbie Jo in one of her signature programs that is making a big impact: “The biggest reason I signed up for the Lights, Camera, Impact! program was Bobbie Jo’s presence. She puts herself out there and is comfortable. I wanted to be able to step out of my comfort zone more. I learned so much with the questions that were asked, that I went deeper than I ever thought I would. It helped me continue the journey that I’m on. I’m now in a different place in my life that is amazing. I feel lighter.

Amazing! Congrats on your growing impact, Bobbie Jo!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

When it comes to amplifying your impact and income, what shows up for you? Get curious. Then, I recommend you get writing.

BodyMind Ambassador, Jaimee Mashula, agrees! She says this about using writing and journaling in her business and life journey:

I allow myself to just get whatever is in my heart out onto the page.

Through journaling, I began to reclaim my voice.

Through journaling I began to figure out who I really am deep down inside, as I had spent many years twisting and turning myself to be the person I thought everyone else wanted me to be.

Through journaling, I became stronger.

Through journaling, I became okay with who I am.

Through journaling, I found me!

Powerful, right? I’d love for you to share this article and your writing on it with your clients and us over on Instagram @bodymindliving

Resources For Your Holistic Practice

As I shared last week, we are currently enrolling in our May wave of The BodyMind Coaching program. I also want to share that this is the last time we will offer this program with all the support, content, and format that it has been.

Yes, we are following our embodiment and we are amplifying our impact (and our income, as a result). We LIVE this work! That’s why I wanted to share one of our amazing BodyMind Method© Coaches’s experiences when she was sitting right where you might be as you are reading this, wondering, “Is this coaching thing really for me? Can I really shift my in-person work?”

Watch as Tamara shares her journey to and through The BodyMind Coaching Program, the highs and the lows. Then, click the button below to explore if this is your next, aligned, impactful step. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Love note from Laura

As I hope you’ve seen, amplifying your income is all about connecting back to you consistently and powerfully so you can show up in this world exactly as you desire. We at BodyMind Living are here to support you in that consistent connection!

The time is now! I hope these resources have supported you, and I hope you share your reactions with us as you’ve explored them this week.



*thank you to Sonika Agarwal @sonika_agarwal for making this banner photo available freely on Unsplash!

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