Feeling Safe To Be Seen, Heard & Witnessed

“Women are a large army…”

My heart was beating so loud that you could hear it racing as the silence in the room got even quieter.

My head felt like it was about to explode.

My feet were ready to run out the door.

And as I sat there, trying to blend into the back wall with my head down and eyes staring at the table, a wave of excitement welled up into my throat. So I raised my head to look up, coincidentally at the same time that she looked over towards me.

She was mid sentence, up in front of the room, teaching the class, and at this very moment when we locked eyes, she stopped talking, smiled, and with a look of curiosity, said: 

“I feel like you have something to say…”

You see, when Laura invited me to share whatever I had to say, my head was spinning with all the scriptures that had flooded my mind just a few hours beforehand.

Earlier, while I was in a deep coma like sleep, it was as if someone gently rocked me awake and started filling my mind with scriptures. And for a few more hours, into my morning shower, my mind had its own agenda as it continued to process the meaning of these words that had suddenly appeared there.

In trying to make sense of it all, I wrote down what I could but it was still fragmented and unclear. All I knew was that somehow I needed to share this information with someone and I was desperately hoping to only do so with 1 or 2 people tops. 

The parts of the verses that stood out to me like a glaring light were the ones that said:


And so after she opened up the way for me to share something, mid class, all the other voices of fear, anxiety, and nervousness, telling me to bite my tongue so as not to offend this room full of barely acquaintances… these voices all quieted down and my body took over.

I witnessed my body leading me to the front of the room, gently guiding my steps and leading my words that flowed out so eloquently while the other part of me was watching from the sidelines, numbed and listening in amazement.

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As I stood in front, calmness came over me, my mouth opened and I said:

“I am a channel of God’s Love, it doesn’t matter what background or religion you are, or you were, or I am, all that matters is that God is Love and God wants you to know that you are loved.

And we are all here right now, for a reason much bigger than just us. 

There is a specific scripture that keeps coming to my mind over and over again and as I tune into His channel, I now know I am meant to share this with you all. 

Psalms 68:11 says, “Women are a large army.” 

We are all women here, gathered together bc of Laura following her passion project.

AND we are so much more than that. We have been gathered together to proclaim the GOOD NEWS, but not just any news… the good news of God where part of His message to us is that we all have the ability to love and are deserving of love because we were created with love and by love.”

This is how I began my impromptu speech to the room of 50+ beautiful souls staring up at me, awaiting what I eagerly wanted to share with them. A lot more was expressed that day and as I reflect back now, I realize those words that had continuously flooded my mind in the form of scriptures and the message they conveyed were as much for me as it was for them.

This moment is the moment I expressed my spiritual voice, and I did so, not only because it was my time, but because I surrendered to my spirituality, trusting fully in my connection to God, allowing Him to guide me and although the words that flowed out were as much of a surprise to me as they were to my audience, this moment marked the beginning of my journey to claiming my voice… OUT LOUD.

Up until that experience, I had always measured myself out carefully, only allowing bits of me to be seen and experienced by a select few out of protection and fear of judgment and I only let MYSELF sit with this huge part of who I am, in silence.

What helped me connect to this 100% authentically, without holding back, or keeping it in any longer, began with acknowledging that this part of me exists.

And the truth that I believe with my whole mind, heart, and soul is that spirituality is everything. It is who we are. Just like we have vital organs that sustain our life and blood that continues to pump life through our veins, we both are driven by spiritual energy. 

You and I have a spiritual force that fuels the essence of who we are!

I believe everyone has a spiritual voice and I want to help you explore it.

How do you find your voice? 

How do you express this part of yourself, rather than suppress it?

How can you start claiming your voice and allow yourself to exist out loud?

This starts with intentionally committing to your journey of trusting, of tuning in to your spiritual channel and intentionally aligning what is showing up for you in that moment with your intuitive voice, with your essence, with your purpose for being here.

This path is your gateway to claiming your voice and I know this because this is where it all began to unfold for me.

When you give voice to your body, the thoughts of your mind, the feelings of your heart, and the knowing in your gut, all of you is amplified.

Simply observe the collective voice, notice and recognize where each voice is coming from, like the voice of reason within your logical mind, like the voice of love within your passionate heart, and like the voice of your spirit within your core that fuels your soul.

The essence of my spiritual voice has been there since childhood, guiding me throughout the years, and despite the many times that my other voices have taken over and been in control, my journey in life has been about claiming my spiritual voice.

The first time I let this part of me come out in a huge way was at that BodyMind Live Retreat, in person, in front of many of whom I had just met for the first time. And it was a very visceral and vulnerable experience for me as I described in the beginning of this article.

My intuitive voice IS my spiritual voice.

It is the expression of my connection to God, to the Universe, to my purpose.

I don’t know exactly how things will unfold in my life, but I do know that if I trust this voice, everything will work out better than I can ever imagine. This is what history has revealed to me. And these experiences keep piling up, fortifying my faith.

How can you trust in and experience where expressing 

your authentic voice will lead you?

When you feel the essence of who you are, when you listen to your Spiritual voice and let it guide you, everything you do has meaning, is purposeful, and allows you to authentically be you.

For me, being myself fully is like being the bundle of love and joy that I am!

And from that place, I trust, and I feel safe to be seen.

Permission emerges every time you say yes to this spiritual voice along with a deepened trust in this connection and a declaration when you claim this. 

I’m claiming the expression of who I am inside, allowing it to exist out loud.

It is a journey of tuning in and expressing what is showing up right now, and for me, this is my spiritual intuitive voice.

This is the voice that led me to and through becoming a BodyMind Method© Coach, and that continues to guide me through all of my personal and business decisions. 

This is the voice that has always kept me safe and truly happy.

My process always begins with an unfiltered prayer to Jehovah God about what to do next, seeking the feeling of inner alignment, which feels like a solidifying within my backbone. 

As warmth travels down my spine, like liquid gold being poured down the center and starts to fuel the depth of my core, I follow this golden flow. It leads me to my gut, and this is where my intuitive voice resides. 

This “all knowing” voice is connected to my purpose and instantly washes  a wave of calmness over me.

Whenever I follow THIS voice, it is powerful and always leads me towards the greater good.

You have a spiritual voice and have the ability to listen to it and allow it to guide you as well.

How can you honor and claim your spiritual voice out loud?

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Alina McGilloway

Alina McGilloway, Creator and Founder of Core Momentum™ of Illumify A•nu•mí LLC, is a Certified BodyMind Life Coach & Biz Consultant with over 15 years experience as a Licensed Massage Therapist, Licensed Esthetician, Creative Entrepreneur, and Wholistic Biz Owner.

She intentionally provides a safe space for spiritually centered high achieving leaders, entrepreneurs & visionaries, to get off the track of overgiving and overdoing and start shifting the direction of momentum in their life, creating movement away from external pressures that drain you TOWARD the internal drivers that inspire you and build you up!

She collaboratively supports you in accessing your Core Momentum™, your inner channel of resilience, integrity, and true alignment as your main driver in life toward your vision and your purpose with simple steps that unleash your creativity and express your voice authentically!

These mentorship, consultations, and coaching experiences become your solid foundation to building a system that facilitates flow as you harness your core energy, find true freedom, and feel good!





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