Welcome to “The Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly”

One thing we know at BodyMind Living is that embodiment is key. When we follow our embodiment, that internal compass that is so wise, we ultimately find our way. As we head into a new month, we are excited to honor what has been showing up for us!

In our journey as a heart-centered company, we realize that ultimately who we support are embodied entrepreneurs. So, we are shifting the focus of this weekly newsletter to honor what is showing up for us clearly and fully, which is why I’m excited to share “The Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly!”

You will receive the same great resources, and we will embrace the power of embodiment in every aspect of your business and life. I can’t wait to share!

The Quote We Are Pondering

“Rest is the ultimate form of receiving.” ~Laura Wieck 

Many think rest is simply the opposite of work and even equate rest with laziness. Sometimes people think rest is not valuable in its own right.

As embodied entrepreneurs, our BodyMind Ambassadors know better. In fact, our first theme of the new series of blog articles is focused on “Claiming Ease!” Rest is essential. It aids in proper brain and bodily functioning as well as working smarter and not harder, which is what we are all about. 🙌

When we are at rest our body enters the parasympathetic response. During this time our body can recover from the stress of everyday life. We are excited to share this new round of how our Ambassador’s approach embodying ease in their lives and businesses, whether it be rest or going with the flow of their energy.

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

embodied entrepreneur practice

Jaimee Mashula, BodyMind Ambassador, massage therapist, and yoga instructor, knows what it’s like to lose sight of yourself. In fact, in her article this month, titled “Giving Yourself Permission to Slow Down,” she shares a powerful Yoga Nidra guided meditation on connecting back to yourself through self-compassion.

This quick audio guide in her article is a great tool to use when you are feeling the pressure to be everywhere at once, so use it before the start of your next day or share with your clients as an embodiment tool before your next session together.

Coach Spotlight

embodied entrepreneur ambassadors

Meet our new BodyMind Ambassadors!

We are SO excited to introduce our newest BodyMind Ambassadors! Our Ambassadors are graduates of The BodyMind Coaching Program who are ready to be seen in new and expansive ways! They are on a journey and are ready to share what that journey of living out this BodyMind work as embodied entrepreneurs looks like for them… the good, the bad, the messy, and everything in between.

You will see us sharing their content via email, social media, and more! If you are looking for some powerful souls to follow on your own embodied entrepreneur journey, be sure to check out each of these amazing folks, follow them, join their groups, and be inspired!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

This month, our Ambassadors wrestled with the topic of claiming ease, and they all had so many powerful stories to share.

Alina, BodyMind Method© Coach, and Creator and Founder of Core Momentum™, found that the loss of her abuela, her grandmother, helped her find her own path to claiming ease. Here’s an excerpt of how she explains it in her piece, “Intentionally Grieving Leads to Ease:”

By intentionally grieving, without rushing myself or running away from the super sad moments, and just sitting with those intense feelings, I have discovered there is an expansive world of spaciousness, hidden in plain sight, to be found in both the times when I am doing and in the moments when I am simply being.”

Oftentimes, as entrepreneurs, we “rush” through our feelings because we just have so much to do and so many people to serve. What might be the invitation Alina is offering here to experience our “intense feelings” and discover “an expansive world of spaciousness?”

We invite you to read the rest of the article, do some writing, and then share your thoughts and the article, tagging us and Alina @bodymind and @illumify.a.nu.mi.

Resources For Your Holistic Practice

When it comes to burnout, there’s a deeper conversation we need to be having.

It has nothing to do with your schedule. It has nothing to do with your rates.

It has everything to do with a subtle thing that the most heart-centered entrepreneurs do that we think is supportive, but really isn’t. I’m so fired up about this topic that I did a live video recently explaining exactly what I mean. If you want to go deeper into the topic of embodied entrepreneurship–what that means and what that looks like–and you want to learn more about our 4-part framework for a business and life that feels good, watch this video and click below to connect with us today!

Love note from Laura

If you want to join me, send me a DM or connect with my team here!



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