What if you don’t need to wait to feel worthy?

Have you ever heard the phrase “start before you’re ready”?

The idea is that most people spend days, months, years waiting to feel “ready.” But, the key to confidence is to start.

Today I want to take that concept a step further and talk about how it applies to worthiness. 

Last week my team and I welcomed 100 amazing heart-centered, holistic, service-based professionals (both in person and virtually) from around the world to the 14th BodyMind LIVE! Coach Training Workshop.  

It was amazing.

These amazing souls said yes before they felt ready. They honored a voice inside that knew it was time for something more. They knew deep down that there was a better way to work that allowed them to support clients in receiving transformational results while giving more space and ease to their schedules.

They knew they were more than their modalities— and they fully stepped into their role as COACH.

I’ve been teaching The BodyMind Method© for seven years now, and there is always a step in this process that every single member goes through.

There is a moment where they see how simple, easy, spacious, and deeply transformational coaching truly is.

And then…

The real block shows up. The block that says, “I don’t feel worthy of receiving for something that feels so easy and natural for me.”

You know the block I’m talking about?

I know that you crave simplicity and ease in your schedule and life yet feel like you have to put everyone else first. 

I know you know that you are worth so much more than the “time for money” structure allows you to make in your current business yet you feel like you can’t charge ‘too much’. 

I know you feel like you’re carrying so much because you want so much for the people around you yet you feel like it comes at the sacrifice of the things that light you up.

And, I know you are sick and tired of the f****d up patriarchal systems that are rooted in disconnection and separation yet you wonder ‘who am I to make a difference?’.

I have to be honest…

Trying to heal your “worthiness issues” is keeping you stuck in the oppressive patriarchal systems that make you feel unworthy.

What if you don’t even have a worthiness issue at all? 

What if the patriarchy convinced you, and all the other healing, feeling souls of the world, that in order to receive for what you do you have to be perfect, responsible, smart, and worthy first

I understand that I am sharing this from my lens of a white, cis-gendered, heterosexual woman and there is more nuance to this conversation than can not be expressed in one email. 

I also believe wholeheartedly that we, the holistic healing community, are being called to step up and into a deeper level of leadership around the world and we don’t have the luxury to wait until we feel worthy to do that.

So I’ll leave you with this for today…

What might be possible for you and those around you if you stop trying to prove you are worthy of receiving… and just received?

Don’t just start before you’re ready, receive before you feel worthy

Receive because who you are, as you are, is already worthy. 

Receive for your natural gifts and talents because you are already enough. 

Receive abundantly because who you are will naturally give to those around you. 


And then watch the patriarchy fall. 

It’s time. 

Laura Wieck

BodyMind Founder & Creator

Laura Wieck, Certified Master Coach and Mentor, Licensed Massage Therapist

Laura is the creator and founder of BodyMind Living© as well as the BodyMind Coaching Certification Program with Laura Wieck TM which teaches holistic practitioners how to incorporate a coaching structure with their healing work.

After years of working with clients in her own massage practice, she noticed that her clients’ mental stress impacted them physically… and their physical stress impacted them mentally. She got curious and started to explore all things BodyMind which led her down a path of personal and professional discovery. Through it, she curated the BodyMind Method©, a proprietary coaching process that gives voice to the body and allows for deeper healing in your life.

Laura holds a degree in Biology from The College of Wooster, she is also a Licensed Massage Therapist, Leadership Coach, and Cognitive Coach. She lives in Ohio with her husband, son, and well-loved pup.


IG: @LauraWieck
FB: LauraWieck

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