You are the gift

In this Weekly Connection, we are focusing on the magic that is YOU!

When it comes to the heart of coaching, you must realize that you have everything you need to step into and own your role as a coach. The Team and I at BodyMind Living are simply here to support you on your journey.

Because, while “you are the gift” seems simple enough, living this understanding of self in an aligned way is deep, powerful work. We are here for it, and we are here for you!

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, so be sure to share your responses and these resources on social media, in your next email, and as a resource in your programs. Be sure to tag us @bodymindliving when you do!

The Quote We Are Pondering

you are the gift quote

“We’re not here to give you anything you don’t already have.”

Let me say that again for the people in the back:

“We are not here to give you anything you don’t already have.”

Here’s the thing, we’ve been discussing and exploring the heart of coaching this month, and in doing so we can often get caught up in seeking external markers of validation to affirm that we are a good enough coach or can actually be a coach. What if, instead, we honor the fact that you are being called to coach because of your natural gifts and ways of being in the world? This doesn’t mean we don’t continue to do our own work and honor our continued growth, and what would it feel like to really own your magic right now?

I’m guessing you share some similar concepts with your clients, so now I am presenting an opportunity for you to do the same for yourself. Take a moment to reflect on all of the things, the trainings, the education, the experiences, the books, and more that have helped shape who you are right now.

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

you are the gift embodiment

This week, I share a quick illustration of receiving through a breathing exercise. But, first, I want to share a quick story. I was once at a business conference that focused on supporting business owners in stepping into their next level. The speaker at the main event got on the stage and asked,

Do you want to know the secret to your next level?”

The crowd eagerly replied, “Yesssss!

He repeated the question a few times, getting the crowd riled up and ready to receive the answer… the secret! And then he said, “The secret to your next level is to GIVE… and give more and more!”

The crowd, which was about 85% male-identifying, cheered and applauded loudly in agreement with this declarative answer. Whereas, the rest of us thought, “Well, shit! How can I possibly give more than I already am?!” In this video, I show you why receiving is a powerful and important aspect to your business, and how to connect to the art of receiving through breathing.

Check it out, share the link, and share what shows up as you watch, tagging us @bodymindliving.

Coach Spotlight

Meet Karyn Claflin, BodyMind Method© Coach and Copywriter

As a lifelong introvert, when Karyn (she/they) started her first business (as a massage therapist) in 2013, she became obsessed with creating content that would bring people to her, so she didn’t have to go out and look for them.

Now Karyn works with coaches who know they’re here to make change in the world, but feel limited by the way they’re currently marketing their offers. Here’s how Karyn explains her work as a BodyMind Method© Coach and copywriter:

I’m a pro-liberation copywriter & messaging coach for quiet powerhouses who want to sell their services without compromising their values or who they are. The result? They feel so good about their marketing that they can’t help but shout it from the rooftops!

Values + aligned messages = amazing marketing support! We are honored to know and work with you, Karyn!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

I refuse to chase joy for myself because chasing something merely because I’ve been told I should want it feels inauthentic.

This is how Lori Hoffer, BodyMind Ambassador talked about navigating joy in her article, “Undefined Joy.”

See, Lori is the antithesis of bullshit. Seriously. She is such a powerful representation of honoring and owning your natural gifts that sharing her article feels so aligned this week. She goes on to share…

“The biggest permission we can give ourselves and others is to feel what we feel, whatever that is, without judgment or labels, and just BE with ourselves. Right there. In the moment.

Words like these are also why Lori is such a powerful coach! Read the rest of this article, and then share it with your clients that you know are struggling with that pressure of external validation, maybe even link it in your program materials. 

Resources For Your Holistic Practice

There is one skill that will amplify your business in powerful ways: sales.

You may read the word “sales,” roll your eyes, and think, “Laura, how can you talk about the heart of coaching and my natural gifts, and then suddenly shift into sales?” Let me explain…

Our mission at BodyMind Living is to cultivate embodied leaders. I’m looking at you– coaches, holistic practitioners, and service providers. You know that people need your work, now more than ever.

Yet, one thing most heart-centered folks avoid is being seen and receiving for their gifts, which is really what sales is all about. Use this quick video resource to support you in embracing sales as a way to serve your clients and honor your gifts!

Love note from Laura

I hope you have enjoyed the discussion and resources shared on the heart of coaching in this month’s series of Weekly Connections! If you are getting curious about how you can explore your own coaching superpowers, I encourage you to reach out to a member of our team who is waiting to connect with you today!

Click here to connect with a member of Team BodyMind!



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