Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly: Sacrificing is not the way forward

When you are ready to make a change in your life, where does your mind go?

Do you think of the possibilities? What gets expanded? Or does your mind go to what might be lost or what has to be sacrificed to achieve your goals, to make this change?

In this round of the Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly, I want to explore what’s possible as you step into your next level in your business and life. As I’ve shared in previous weeks, our work at BodyMind Living is to provide a one-of-a-kind coach training for service-based entrepreneurs, who are ready to simplify their business, amplify their income, and have freedom and flexibility in their lives without sacrificing client results. You know you are ready to expand your in-person and hands-on work, and we know how to support you in doing just that in a way that actually amplifies clients’ results. Let’s dive in!

The Quote We Are Pondering

“When your clients’ sessions are determined by time, their results will always be capped” 
~ Laura Wieck, from upcoming book The BodyMind Method

When we stay in the business of time-for-money, we ultimately reach a limit. We can only work so many hours, and we often feel we can only charge only so much per session. But, have you ever thought about how this vicious cycle actually caps your clients’ results as well? 

When I work with embodied and aligned entrepreneurs, they often tell me, “My clients love coming to see me, so how could I do the same thing if I ______?” That blank is filled with things like… 

  • Share what I do in an online course
  • Offer virtual sessions
  • Create programs that are only a few months

I’m here to tell you that we have evidence from our hundreds of BodyMind Method© coaches who demonstrate the powerful results their clients achieve when they make these very shifts in the way they structure their services, and stop trading time for money. Clients start taking ownership of their choices and actually do the damn thing you’ve been telling them to do for years! 

Do some deep reflecting on this, and share your thoughts in your next post and tag us @bodymindliving.

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

Are you collecting bricks or building a business? When we start to shift our work, sometimes we try to make our “doing,” aka our time in person with clients, better by learning a new modality, a new skill, etc. 

What I’m here to share in this video is an invitation for connection and deep reflection about this “collecting” practice I see people get stuck in. You are here to build a business with great impact and great income while also helping your clients get great results. Watch this video, and share it over on Instagram… tag us @bodymindliving when you do!

Coach Spotlight

Meet Shelly Acker, BodyMind Method© Coach, Owner Imagine Living Well, LLC

The first time I learned that my body had 3 brains and that I was not crazy to trust my gut, I wept with gratitude.

And that was just the beginning for Shelly and her adventures. She has gone on to create so many amazing opportunities for her clients to work with her and get the results they desire, including Chamele, Shelly’s traveling retreat bus! 

Shelly “wants everyone to live from that powerful space of connection and take the best next step to live their life optimally well and courageously authentic.” And, she shares how “BodyMind Coaching allows me to utilize over 35 years of spiritual and holistic practice combined with embodiment and connection to support those who want to thrive and make changes in their life but are not sure how.” 

By saying “yes” to explore what was possible for herself, Shelly is now helping her clients do the same thing. We can’t wait to see what Shelley (and Chamele) do next!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

When BodyMind Ambassador, Angelique, lost her mother, she felt lost. She struggled to find “the words to express all the things you meant to me,” Angelique explains in her blog article on “Claiming My Voice.”

So what did she do when she couldn’t find her voice? Well, she didn’t strive to get louder. Instead, she looked to a place that helped her feel embodied and connected: nature.

I have always had a love affair with nature; it has been my refuge on numerous occasions. It’s in this space that I can surrender, but the loss of my mother was the hardest thing that had ever happened to me. When she died, I hiked all the time. Sometimes with others, but mostly by myself. Some days it was so hard to get out of bed…[so],I began a ritual: get up, get dressed and go outside for a walk; then, go to [massage] school. It was a conscious choice.

When it comes to claiming your voice, what are you choosing? Sometimes we don’t need to be loud, sometimes we just need to choose ourselves and what keeps us connected to what matters most

Resources For Your Holistic Practice

One of the ways we support our clients in getting the results they desire is by including amazing products that align with their journey. Many of our BodyMind Method© Coaches often come up with products that do just that during their time with us in the program. Lauren Piro is a powerful one we like to showcase. 

Her ritual starter kit can support you and your clients on the “path to deeply knowing yourself.” This kit is a great tool to use for clients in between sessions, where the real implementation and integration of your coaching and/or hands-on work gets to take place. 

Love note from Laura

We are currently enrolling in our May wave of The BodyMind Coaching program. And, we are shifting our work in order to support our future clients and their results more deeply! This May wave is the last time we will offer the BodyMind Coaching Program with all the support, content, and format that we have offered up until now.

If you know now is the time to step up and develop better results for yourself and your clients, then I want to make sure you get connected to one of our team members, apply for the program, and receive a free training to get you started as soon as you do. We can’t wait to hear from you!

With love,


*thank you to Towfiqu barbhuiya @towfiqu999999 for making this banner photo available freely on Unsplash!

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