Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly: The decision is in the action!

Have you ever found yourself circling around and around a decision?

Ya know, those moments where you keep going back and forth, pondering this choice and that option, only to find yourself right where you started and no decision ever actually gets made?

We’ve all been there, and I want to use this edition of the Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly to support you in getting curious: what if taking imperfect action is how the decision is made? What if you already know what you need to do next? You just need to trust that gut feeling?!

Ready to learn how to do that? Let these quotes, embodiment tools, articles, resources, and more guide your morning time, your sessions with clients, your social media, and/or your next email.

The Quote We Are Pondering

decision in action quote

Nurturing oneself is a self-sustaining and rewarding process that doesn’t happen overnight, but it can be done with time, effort, creativity and empathy for one’s own needs.

At BodyMind Living, my team and I insist on nurturing ourselves individually and as a team… It is one of many consistent action steps we take. Why? Because through the act of self-care, intentional embodiment, and continually connecting to our heart and soul, we find our next steps.

How are you doing with nurturing and sustaining yourself? How might more of this kind of action support you, your business, and your clients’ results?

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

decision in action embodiment

When BodyMind Ambassador and BodyMind Method© Coach, Carolyn Ulitsky, goes for her almost daily hikes, she’s doing more than just getting great exercise. She’s reconnecting with herself by finding the stillness in motion.

I invite you to use this video of one of Carolyn’s beautiful hikes and her wise words to guide you in taking a moment to get still, to connect with what is right now, really sit with it, seeing where this crux is living in your body. Then, as we like to say in The BodyMind Coaching Program, “give that part of yourself a voice… what might it want to say?”

Oftentimes, we find ourselves waiting for something on the outside to show us the way, to help us make our next-step decisions. When the reality is, what we desire, the decision that needs to be made, is sitting within us as we speak, if we only took a moment to really listen.

Coach Spotlight

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Meet Laurel, BodyMind Method© Coach, Osteopathic Massage Therapist, Movement Facilitator

Meet Laurel! She is on a mission to “help those she encounters to realize and embrace their power from within so that they can bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be.

How did she make the decision to help others in this way? Well, like many of us, Laurel had a huge life changing moment: lower leg reconstruction surgery and years of post-op recovery! This shifted everything and she cultivated a “special interest in working with those who are at ‘the next chapter’ and moving forward into how life might be and what might be possible with a career change, retirement, losing a loved one, or a medical diagnosis.

As one client shared, “I already knew that Laurel was an amazing massage therapist. What I recently learned is that this gift of hers is equally matched by her body and mind coaching skills. She has a natural ability to lead through a program that helps you find the right answers for you and your body, your unique situation and needs.” So, after Laurel decided to shift how she worked and tuned into her body, she now helps others do the same as a BodyMind Method© Coach! Amazing!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

There is nothing more terrifying than suddenly being faced with many unexpected decisions all focused on saving someone’s life. Marielle Shofstall, one of our BodyMind Ambassadors had to make this kind of a decision in order to save her newborn son’s life.

As a mother of 7, she was used to a certain level of chaos, but this was different. How did she work through these decisions? She shares, “I cried. I prayed. And I leaned into myself, my intuition; I listened, and I felt. It wasn’t easy, but I was able to find ease because I felt my way forward. I claimed ease.

For Marielle, the power of claiming first and allowing ease to come as a result supported her and her family in this crazy, tough moment.

I encourage you to read the article with your clients this week by sharing it in your next email or social media post. Do some writing around the question “What are you being asked to claim? How can claiming first actually allow ease to show up?” Tag us @bodymindliving so we can celebrate what shows up!

Resources For Your Holistic Practice

If you are a holistic entrepreneur who has been trying to decide whether to add coaching to your business, it is vital that your coaching program understands you and your holistic services as well as how to integrate the coaching framework in a way that keeps you in your lane AND supports your clients on this new level.

I created The BodyMind Coaching Program specifically for holistic entrepreneurs who know they are so much more than their modalities and single sessions, and they are ready to grow their impact and income beyond hands-on sessions.

Coaching is hands down (pun intended) the most valuable skill for anyone with a service-based, holistic business. It is the key to working smarter, not harder while improving client results.

Early enrollment for the next wave of The BodyMind Coaching program is now open!

Right now, as a special bonus for folks who apply (no purchase necessary),  I’m hosting a private training where I’ll walk you through The BodyMind Method; a 4-part framework that will show you how to incorporate this framework into your entire business (not just your services).

Love note from Laura

As I wrap up another installment of the Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly, I want to encourage you to take action and trust that the decision is yours to make… or maybe the decision is right here in front of you just waiting for you to acknowledge it. We are here to support you every step of the way!

Head here to connect with us and receive next step support.



*thank you to Jakob Owens @jakobowens1 for making this banner photo available freely on Unsplash!

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