Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly: What does a “yes” feel like to you?

Do you know what a “yes” feels like for you?

As an embodied entrepreneur, I’m going to guess that you might be saying “yes” so much that you have lost touch with what a truly, embodied YES feels like.

That’s ok, I got you in this Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly!

We are going to explore some tools and resources to support reminding yourself what a “yes” feels like to you. Be sure to like, comment, share, and use these resources with yourself and your clients!

The Quote We Are Pondering

How often do you say yes to things that bring you joy? Things that bring you peace? Things that you know are good for your body? Things that you know are good for your business?

How does that “yes” feel?  Are you taking note of the changes in your brain or the feelings in your body after the yes?

Embodiment in your work is crucial for any business, but embodiment is one of the MOST important things for entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs need to be able to juggle all the tasks of running a business, honoring their work with clients and making sure their own mental and physical health is top notch so they can continue to grow and expand.

Are you saying yes to embodiment? Are you saying yes to the next step in your business?

Now take a moment to check in with your heart. Do you feel that calling, that knowing that you are ready to grow beyond your hands-on/in-person sessions?

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

Are you a heart-centered, embodied entrepreneur who knows you are here to make a difference through your work? You’ve built a successful practice and your clients love you. But have you ever felt like you’ve hit an invisible ceiling in your business?

For far too long we’ve been taught the only way to serve others is to sacrifice our time, to de-value our services, to put our health on the line… all for the sake of everyone else. Sometimes we just need a 4-minute nudge to help us find our “yes” again.

Use this inviting video to tune into yourself, get reconnected to your dreams and vision, and join a community of like-minded entrepreneurs ready to support you in claiming a better way to leverage your time and help your clients receive better results as well… all when you take 4 minutes with this video to embody yourself!

Coach Spotlight

Meet Kim Pribyl, BodyMind Method© Coach, LMT, CST

Kim calls her journey as a BodyMind Method© Coach, one that went from being “Stuck Kim to Confident Kim!!” She never thought she would “get there” and find her “yes” in her business and life, and then, she says, “I found BodyMind Coaching, and…things started releasing within me as my confidence grew and I found new ways of connecting with my inner self.

Since learning The BodyMind Method©, she learned how to:

“…bring my modalities full circle in helping my clients deeply connect with their 
body, mind and heart.  It is my passion to help my clients learn to  “tune in” to their intuitive guidance and the choices it has for them, empowering them with tools to identify the pain and challenges they face, and to have the choice to change and heal them.

It’s amazing what happens to your clients’ results when you use your body and intuition to guide you! Congratulations, Kim! We can’t wait to see what’s next for you!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

The call came in from the breast care center saying that I needed to come back; they needed more views and an ultrasound. Everyone told me it would be ok, probably just dense breast tissue.”

See, when faced with something as scary as breast cancer, Angelique did what most of us would do. She asked, “Why? Why me?” She searched for answers, and finally found what she needed by actually tuning into her cancer-fighting body and shifting her mindset.

She explains how she “found ease in the way I approach hard things” by allowing herself to finally feel everything she was experiencing.

What if finding your “yes” was about feeling everything within rather than waiting on something on the outside to tell you what is/isn’t a “yes”? If you knew you had everything you needed inside, what would you do next? How would you show up to what’s calling you? How would you take action?

Read the full article, do some writing on what shows up around claiming ease and your “yes,” then share and discuss with your clients in your next email, social media post, or session! Tag us @bodymindliving when you do!

Resources For Your Holistic Practice

Have you ever said, “I just need a moment?!”

Me too! That’s why we at BodyMind Living find it easy to say “yes” to such a moment when we have some “ritual tea,” from Lauren Piro, BodyMind Method© Coach and creator and owner of Radicle Remedies.

She offers a special tea ritual set specifically designed to help you set up your own “moments” around a warm mug of tea, grounding roll on oil, and amazing digital resources to help you know just how to use them.

Love note from Laura

I hope these resources have supported you this week in remembering what that intuitive “yes” feels like for yourself as an embodied entrepreneur! If you are ready to explore what a “yes” for your next level might look like with the support from us at BodyMind Living, know that we are here for it! Whether you are new to us, have been hanging out with us for awhile, or a graduate of The BodyMind Coaching program, we are here to support your next steps of “yes” with you!

Head here to connect with us and receive next step support.



*thank you to Jon Tyson @jontyson for making this banner photo available freely on Unsplash!

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