Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly: Time to Reevaluate

Whiplash. That’s often what I feel when another unexpected “thing” hits me, my business, the world. 

In these moments, it’s easy to get lost in the feelings, and trust me, I do! And, I also notice the opportunity being presented, not because I invited it, but because something bigger is calling me to reevaluate. 

In this week’s edition of the Embodied Entrepreneur Weekly, I want to offer some tools, thoughts, and resources to help you check in, reevaluate, and see what is calling you up and in to something deeper. Here we go…

The Quote We Are Pondering

“It’s time we re-evaluate what our value of connection gets to look like in our business and in our lives.”
~ Laura Wieck

Last week, I did something crazy that I haven’t done in a long time: I went for a walk all by myself. 

I had no direction, agenda, or purpose. I wasn’t being pulled by a dog. I wasn’t chasing a toddler. There wasn’t a pace or distance I was trying to hit. I just walked. 

With all the things swirling around in our world right now, sometimes we need this moment to ourselves… to process… to reevaluate… to connect with our next aligned step. What might a walk allow you to process, reevaluate, to connect with next? Take a moment to reflect (maybe on your next walk), share this quote, share your thoughts, and tag us @bodymindliving on Instagram.

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

In this video story, BodyMind Method© Coach and ignitor of internal sparks, Fidel Forde shares feeling frustrated when “I wasn’t where I needed to be.” How those feelings led him to deeper satisfaction and joy is his journey every day now. He realized he needed to acknowledge his desires and allow himself to receive. He asks, “If you were limitless, what would you do?” 

Let his reevaluation of radical, limitless self-care offer you space to ponder what being with you gets to look like, asking “How do you want to be with you?”

Coach Spotlight

Meet Victoria Carria, BodyMind Method© Coach

Vickie is on a mission! She loves “confident, independent women that are used to taking charge.” She helps them “unleash their greatest potential by helping them to identify and use new habits that align with their core values in a supported, nurturing environment that holds them accountable to reaching their goals.” 

Whether it’s her “Sublime Combo” massage and coaching program or her empowering 1:1 coaching, Vickie supports her clients in tuning into their most powerful tool for reevaluating their life and goals: the body!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

We get told a lot that we need to create goals, and when we achieve said goals we will be ______ (fill in with word/feeling of your choosing: happy, successful, accomplished).

Angelique, BodyMind Ambassador and BodyMind Method© Coach, offers a new perspective to help us reposition and reevaluate goal setting and success. In her latest blog, she starts off declaring proudly: “The story isn’t already written; it’s still a work in progress.”

We could easily substitute “my” in there, right? In this month’s blog, she explores the journey she has been on in discovering and claiming coach: excitement, confusion, frustration, surrender, breakthrough, reset… these are all words that describe what she has experienced. Check out the rest at the link below and share the story (and your thoughts) where the conversation continues @bodymindliving on Instagram.

Resources For Your Holistic Practice

“…the moments where I allow myself to feel still,cto literally get into stillness, that’s when I feel life expand…” This is a snippet of what I share in this meditation video in one of my fav spots for reflection, reevaluation, writing, and stillness. 

Life IS busy and chaotic. So, I offer this resource as an invitation to explore where stillness might support you this week.

Love note from Laura

Sometimes life is just too much. 

Sometimes we literally do not know what to do, our path is unclear.

I encourage you to do what you need to do amidst the “too much” to find yourself, do your inner work, so you can continue to show up as you desire for others, the outer work. The world needs you now more than ever!



*thank you to Thomas Grams @swutsh making this banner photo available freely on Unsplash!

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