Who Am I To Be A Coach?

My path to claiming my role as a coach has not been direct. I always had big dreams and a strong personality when I was very young, but self-confidence was a strength that I struggled to maintain. I grew up an only child, and although I used to feel like I was the center of everything, and was confident of my purpose and place in life, a myriad of experiences in my childhood and young adulthood led me to start doubting myself. I began to doubt my value and purpose, and I felt that I had to work to earn my worth. I believed I had to work hard.

As I grew up, I was able to engage in activities that helped me gain more confidence in myself and my abilities. I became very interested in learning more about the human body and mind. I wanted to have a better understanding of how our bodies were designed, how they functioned, and how our mind worked. The more I learned, the more it seemed to help my confidence, and I began to feel more worthy. But, there was still an underlying, pestering reminder that I still wasn’t good enough and that I had to work hard to be worthy. I had to work hard to be worthy of reward and acceptance.

As I became aware of this core challenge within myself, I decided to start the journey to heal myself. I wanted to heal and step into my true self. Through my interest in learning, I began to expand into bigger and deeper areas of study. I got into massage therapy, a calling and interest I had when I was in my early teens, but one that I had lost sight of along the way until a divine detour led me to a place where I found myself left behind and alone. I found myself alone because I realized that I had chosen to follow someone and their journey instead of following my own.

Although it didn’t seem like it at the time, many wonderful things came out of that challenging experience in my life. In fact, the best things came out of it. I deepened my faith in my God and myself, I learned to trust in ways I had never trusted before, and I discovered the powerful tool of writing to help me process challenges and embrace my voice again. I also learned that I needed to follow my journey and that my desire to meet the right person who I could grow close and spend my life with would have to be someone who was at least going in the same direction I was. And so it was through that divine detour, that place of deep and unraveled emotions, where I held onto hope and a thread of confidence that I could get through the challenge I found myself in, and I was able to move on.

I came back to myself and my journey. I discovered there was a massage program near me that was going to begin a few months after my life unraveled. I enrolled, attended, and graduated from a very educational and supportive massage therapy program. I gained insights that deepened my knowledge and awareness of not only the things I was interested in, but also of myself and my purpose. I followed my pathway forward with its twists and turns, its ups and downs and finally, I got to a place where I felt free to be confident.

I was able to embrace myself for who I was, strong and purposeful; and even if I didn’t have all the answers, I knew I could move forward. It seemed that all my dreams and desires were coming into existence. It was in this space when I met my spouse. There was only a small part of me that struggled with feeling fully and completely confident and able to own my worth. Everything was good.

As life moved forward, and quickly, my life shifted as my husband and I grew together and as we welcomed children into our family. It was through this quick growth and new challenges that the small part of me that struggled with feeling fully confident and able to own my worth began to grow and interfere. A few more of life’s divine detours brought into focus the thing I had not yet resolved and healed fully from, even though I had begun my healing journey so long ago.

Along the way of life shifting and changing, I found myself lost, again, just not for the same reasons as before. Still, it felt overwhelming. It seemed that the journey I had planned so long ago had to change and new routes had to be embraced. It was a lot of change in a short amount of time, and the weight of the new plus increasing responsibilities in my life became heavier and heavier. Yet, I still dreamt of my goals and tried to keep them in my sight.

As I went along, I knew that the goals I was working towards and the new challenges in my life were giving me the opportunity to find an approach that would best support me along my journey. And one day, I saw Laura Wieck’s ad for her coaching program. I knew in my gut that I needed to do it, but I waited, because I was already enrolled in another program that was teaching me other tools that I desired to learn and an approach that I thought would be similar to coaching. But, there was something in me that knew the program with Laura was what I needed. The name of the coaching program, the BodyMind Method©, resonated with me. There was still that part of me that doubted my abilities and worth and asked, “Who am I to be a coach?”

After a couple of years and after finishing the other program, I got on a call with Laura and that began my journey to really connecting with myself. I dug deep and tapped into a whole other level within myself that, even as a student of psychology, I hadn’t yet worked into. It was messy, it was beautiful, and it was hard; but in the end, joining the BodyMind Coaching program has been the best thing I have ever done.

Along the way, I have learned to claim ease on the journey. Because when I claim ease is when I am in the space where I am able to fully connect with myself and my purpose.

I have learned to claim my voice, because when I don’t claim my voice, then I don’t share my voice. When I don’t share my voice, I don’t use my voice. And when I don’t use my voice, my voice doesn’t get to be heard… and the results of not using my voice and allowing myself to have the opportunity to be heard can be devastating. And I have learned to claim presence, and claiming presence is a choice. When I choose to be fully present and connected to the moment and to myself, I step into this space where the magic of life thrives and anything is possible.

The most important thing I have learned along my journey, though, is to embrace the messes and divine detours of life. That voice that said, “Who am I to be a coach?” still whispers and sometimes yells at me. Because, even though I have come a long way, sometimes I still struggle with feeling confident moving forward. I have learned that life is about making choices, and for me, I chose to claim my confidence and claim my role as a coach. 

Who am I to be a coach?

I am me in all my messiness and beauty. I am a coach.


Marielle Shoffstall, BodyMind Method© Coach and Embodied Wellness Practitioner

After nearly two decades of working in the wellness industry, Marielle is currently transitioning her mainly massage and bodywork-based business into a location-independent embodied coaching and wellness business.

She uses the BodyMind Method©, along with her many other credentials and insights from personal experiences to support her clients to connect more deeply with their bodies, improve their flexibility, and intuitively move forward through life’s many challenges with ease and confidence.

Marielle is the proud mom of seven beautiful and energetic children.  She holds two degrees from Lake-Sumter State College in Psychology and Sports and Fitness and is currently furthering her Psychology education with a degree at the University of Central Florida.

She is a licensed massage and bodywork therapist, a therapeutic yoga and movement practitioner, a certified personal trainer with NASM, and has a wide background of experience, both personal and professional, in the realm of the birth arts.

Marielle lives with her husband, seven children, two cats and two dogs in sunny Central Florida.

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