Finding Ease Through the Fear

I was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 41. 

The call came in from the breast care center saying that I needed to come back; they needed more views and an ultrasound. Everyone told me it would be ok, probably just dense breast tissue. I stepped into the room, disrobed, and they took additional views and led me to another room for the ultrasound. Then I waited for the doctor. He came in, standing to the left of me as I lay on the table in a darkened room. He grabbed my left hand and began talking–words came out of his mouth, but I didn’t understand what he was saying. I heard “carcinoma,” and I knew this was not good. He told me he was sorry, as he tapped my hand with his other hand, then released me, and asked if I had any questions. I meekly responded, “I don’t understand anything you just said.” He stood back, and again, but more quickly repeated everything.

That day I entered, what I now lovingly call, “freshman year at cancer college.” As words were spoken to me on a regular basis that I didn’t know or understand, it was completely overwhelming. 

Surgery options, treatment options, and all the different doctors; there was no way I could keep track, and was assigned a nurse navigator. Yep, the cancer division in the hospital has a group of nurses, called nurse navigators, and all they do is help you move forward, create next steps and keep track of your cancer journey from doctor appointments, treatment appointments, and pre/post surgery appointments to answering any questions that you may have along the way. Because they know it’s overwhelming. I can’t imagine going through cancer without one. This level of support was my first touch of ease in this process, though I definitely wasn’t feeling any ease at that point!

As a fact finder, I had questions and I wanted to research and learn as much as possible so that I could make the best personal decisions.

As I learned the language of cancer, learned about treatments available to me, and made decisions that would impact me for the rest of my life, I reflected on my life. 

finding ease through the fear - fact finding

In the beginning, being told I had cancer was scary, and I began dissecting my life asking…




My ego wondered…

Why me?

How did this happen to me? 

How did I get here? 

What is going to happen to my body? 

What is my future self going to look like? Am I going to die from this?

When my treatments started, I was lucky enough to have some wonderful people in my life that helped me heal from the inside out. They worked with me to strengthen my mindset, and be loving to myself, hold space for the anger and grief I was feeling, and embrace everything that was happening to my outer layer. Eventually I began to look at this whole experience through a different lens. I started to find my ease. 

There is a song that one of my healers shared with me during my Reiki treatments with her. It quickly became my mantra as I was receiving any cancer treatment: 

“Every little cell in my body is healthy, every little cell in my body is well,” by Helene and Dave Van Manen.

When I would repeat the lyrics in my head, I would try to smile, even if tears were streaming down my face. I wanted to believe what I was saying. I absolutely wanted to be healthy and well.

Mindset is a powerful thing! It helped me change my entire outlook on my life moving forward.

finding ease through the fear

I DECIDED I would no longer take my health for granted

I DECIDED I would embrace everything 

I DECIDED I would pause

I DECIDED I would be present

I DECIDED I would move my body everyday

I DECIDED I would make deeper connections with myself, my community, my relationships, and nature

I DECIDED I would really live in the moment–seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, experiencing life and all it has to offer.

I even decided to learn how to swim so that I could compete in a triathlon, which I did. In fact, I completed several over the next several years after my diagnosis.

I am currently living cancer-free. It was not easy, but I have found ease in the way I approach hard things. I now give myself grace and space to feel all of the raw, unfiltered emotion because I know it’s okay to have these emotions. I now make decisions about who I want to be, and find things to be positive about. Most importantly, I surround myself with positive people because they help me keep my life in perspective. 

I now know that making small mind shifts, that are aligned with me, pausing and being present, are the key to enjoying and living a full, happy life with ease.


The body, mind, and spirit are more than connected, they are one.  Nurturing all aspects of this connection is what Angelique is passionate about. Using the BodyMind Coaching Method©, Angelique is able to help clients find balance, through the power of the pause, being present, and being in embodied connection. These tools help empower you to live a more aligned and fulfilled life so that you can nurture all parts of you.

Travel and adventure are in her Dutch blood, so when Angelique isn’t working with clients, she enjoys working out and being outside. In the winter she can be found on the ski slopes, either downhilling or Nordic. In the summer, you will find her searching for mountains and water where she and her husband can go kayaking, hiking or riding their bicycles on beautiful single tracks.

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