I stopped to smell the roses and they brought me joy

There is always a lot of action in a big city. My senses are always heightened with all the noise. Noise of people walking and talking, bicycles and bicycle bells, cars, trucks, construction, emergency vehicles, delivery trucks, maintenance trucks. The list is literally endless, and you have to be present to all of it. I recently took a trip to Washington D.C. What I found so lovely about being in this big city was my ability to pause and be present to all of the noise, and also, to find refuge from it. In a big city, where the hustle and bustle is continuous, I did find sanctuary. I found it in the city parks and amongst the many memorials. I also visited several garden parks, including the botanical gardens. 

As I walked around, I was completely taken aback by how many birds I could hear. Their bird song was exquisite as they chatted with one another. Not one variation, but several could be heard. The sound of the beautiful trees as they moved in the slight breeze. The floral fragrances from the early spring flowers. I touched and smelled them, as many of these plants are not found in my high altitude climate. I stopped and took in all that was surrounding me while sitting on a park bench. I was as present in this surrounding as I am in my Colorado mountains. Taking it all in, utilizing all my senses. Feeling at peace in the BIG CITY. Witnessing the flow and harmony of all things living in this concrete jungle. Not the place I would expect to find such beauty. But, beauty can be found wherever you are. Stopping and being present to witness it is the key. 

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.”–Maya Angelou

While our lives may be noisy and full of distractions between juggling work, family, friends and personal obligations, we oftentimes find ourselves racing from point A to point B. And, it can be difficult to be fully present. I know it is easier said than done, but the beauty of being human is that we do have choices. How we choose to show up in the noise or how to react to the chaos is within our control. You CAN literally choose your experience. When you pause and are present for all the moments you can fully experience them… witness them… enjoy them. The practice of living in the moment, taking off the blinders, taking a break from the busyness of the day takes effort. Then, refocusing your energy into your body, that one perfect mindfulness tool that we all have. It’s with you always and you can come back to it throughout the day, bringing yourself back HERE… into this moment.

When I want to be present and feel into this moment, I tap into my senses. I practice receiving from my body, my heart, my inner wisdom, my SELF. What am I feeling, hearing, seeing, smelling, touching, tasting? Not all of these senses may be applicable in one moment, but certainly some of them will be. I am purposeful about slowing down and noticing the feeling of warm water running over my skin as I wash my hands. I am purposeful about tuning into the sounds around me, like the birds chatting on a crisp cool morning as I walk. I am purposeful about looking up into the sky on a bluebird day and feeling the sun on my face and body. I am purposeful to feel and smell the flowers in my garden. I slow down to be present and notice the person or people that I am lucky enough to share time with, whether it’s enjoying a meal, having a discussion, or just listening and being with them. 

Being present does not have to involve copious amounts of time. I literally stop, pick up my head, take a deep breath and remind myself to look around, focusing on one single thing that I can enjoy, in this moment

Right here, right now. 

Dropping the urge to be somewhere else… and just be present.

When I focus, slow down and take in my present moment, beautiful things show up. I live, and experience life in a whole new way. I witness and am a part of them, and they become a part of me. I am an active participant in my life and world and I find being present gives me an immense amount of JOY.

So why is it important to be present? Being present for yourself, for your relationships, for your job is an important shift. Eliminating the “have to” mentality and embracing the “get to,” changes the way you connect with self and others. You and your loved ones will feel heard and seen if you pause and give them your full attention and live in the moment. In your job, being present means that you are focused and connected, taking notes and contributing. The task at hand is being completed rather than being illusive to you.

I find presence to be a way to replenish myself when I am feeling depleted. It restores me, and fills me with joy to notice, witness, engage and embrace everything around me. This is MY LIFE in this present moment. 

But please, don’t just take my word for it – try it now, today, and everyday. It’s absolutely possible to practice pausing and being present at any moment. Just stop, look around, engage your senses. Breathe, smell, feel your body, taste your food, engage with your world, your relationships, your life, as it is… 


and now.

Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses; they may just bring you JOY!


The body, mind, and spirit are more than connected, they are one.  Nurturing all aspects of this connection is what Angelique is passionate about. Using the BodyMind Coaching Method©, Angelique is able to help clients find balance, through the power of the pause, being present, and being in embodied connection. These tools help empower you to live a more aligned and fulfilled life so that you can nurture all parts of you.

Travel and adventure are in her Dutch blood, so when Angelique isn’t working with clients, she enjoys working out and being outside. In the winter she can be found on the ski slopes, either downhilling or Nordic. In the summer, you will find her searching for mountains and water where she and her husband can go kayaking, hiking or riding their bicycles on beautiful single tracks.

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