Magic Happens When You Choose To Be Present

Life is so full of chaos and static. We can get lost in all the things we have to do day-in and day-out. We may have beliefs about who we have to be or what we have to look like in life, and these beliefs can pull us away from being truly connected to ourselves and feeling present. The art of being present is a choice. Presence shows up when we choose to lean away from the chaos and static of all the things, and instead choose to focus our energy and attention on what is meaningful and important to us.

When we claim presence, we are simply connecting to ourselves and asking, “How can we be fully connected to this moment?”

Claiming presence is a choice. When we choose to be fully present and connected to the moment and to ourselves, we step into this space where the magic of life thrives, and anything is possible. For me, I live in a busy, beautifully chaotic home with seven children, and we homeschool our kids. So, there is always some level of chaos happening throughout the day.

When I am feeling disconnected and overwhelmed, I can choose how I show up for myself, my husband and my children. It can be easy to be led by emotions and feelings and fall into the habit of responding from a place that is equally overwhelming and chaotic, matching the energy of what is happening in the house. In contrast, I have learned to practice the art of claiming presence. Here’s what this often looks like for me…

1. First, I take a deep breath and connect with my deep self. 

2. Then, I ask myself the question, “How can I be fully connected to the moment?” 

3. And finally, I make a choice to be present – that’s when the magic happens.

Claiming presence is a choice. When we choose to connect with the now, we open up to ourselves; And, as we learn to listen to ourselves, we can truly connect with others from this place of knowing what we need to move forward. We can often find ourselves having a plan for how we desire things to go but then things shift and we are faced with a challenge to either stick to our plan and possibly feel rushed, overwhelmed, angry, annoyed, etc. OR we can choose to be present, connected with ourselves, listening for what we need to move forward. We live in a world filled with all things that encourage being faster and better at such an intense pace that it is overwhelming, but when we learn to take that deep breath, connect with ourselves, ask how we can be fully connected to the moment and choose to be present, magic happens.


Marielle Shoffstall, BodyMind Method© Coach and Embodied Wellness Practitioner

After nearly two decades of working in the wellness industry, Marielle is currently transitioning her mainly massage and bodywork-based business into a location-independent embodied coaching and wellness business.

She uses the BodyMind Method©, along with her many other credentials and insights from personal experiences to support her clients to connect more deeply with their bodies, improve their flexibility, and intuitively move forward through life’s many challenges with ease and confidence.

Marielle is the proud mom of seven beautiful and energetic children.  She holds two degrees from Lake-Sumter State College in Psychology and Sports and Fitness and is currently furthering her Psychology education with a degree at the University of Central Florida.

She is a licensed massage and bodywork therapist, a therapeutic yoga and movement practitioner, a certified personal trainer with NASM, and has a wide background of experience, both personal and professional, in the realm of the birth arts.

Marielle lives with her husband, seven children, two cats and two dogs in sunny Central Florida.

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