The Heart Of Coaching

I remember when I hosted my first webinar. It was way back in 2014, and I was just starting to talk about what it would look like to incorporate a coaching structure into your business.

Since then we, at BodyMind Living have reached thousands of holistic practitioners around the world with the message that understanding coaching, the actual conversation structure around your embodiment and/or hands-on work, is key to a thriving business. Since that first webinar, we have taken hundreds of coaches from around the world through the BodyMind Method©. We’ve also seen the coaching industry grow in both amazing as well as concerning ways.

It often seems like nowadays everybody and their neighbor is calling themself “coach”. And, with coaching being the second fastest-growing industry in the world (it’s a billion dollar industry worldwide), I want to take a moment this month to get real and explore the heart of coaching.

See, when everyone suddenly gets to call themself a “coach,” the title and the industry can get diluted very quickly. I want to take this month to explore and remember what the heart of coaching is because, honestly, just calling yourself a coach doesn’t mean you’re a coach. Just saying that you help somebody with their business or their mindset or their health doesn’t make you a coach.

So, are you ready to investigate (BodyMind style, of course) what it means to be a coach? Let’s go!

The Quote We Are Pondering

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” ~Albert Einstein

When I first started supporting holistic practitioners by incorporating coaching into their practice, we initially focused just on the coaching conversation, the conversation you would have with your client during a session. Seems rational and logical, right?

Now, as we have evolved as a company, our own definition of coaching has evolved as well. No longer is the BodyMind Method© simply about this one piece because we realized that this method is actually a four-part framework that brings together how you serve your clients with how you structure your business. We have realized and now fully embrace that…

  • If you don’t have a program structure, you can’t coach.
  • If you don’t have a sales structure, you can’t coach.
  • If you don’t have a powerful session structure, you can’t coach.

And, if you don’t continually learn and explore how to tap into your intuitive parts along with your rational parts, you can’t fully coach in the ways you desire and in turn your clients can’t have the transformation they truly desire.

Ponder this quote with some reflective writing and share what you discover on Instagram, tagging @bodymindliving when you do!

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

The Heart Of Coaching Embodiment Exercise

Fidel Forde, BodyMind Method© Coach and Ambassador, fully embraces his role as a coach, but it hasn’t always been that way! Here’s how he explains going from “ok” to “success for me” in this video and accompanying article:

You ever have that feeling that something is off, but you just can’t put your finger on it? It’s like when someone asks how you are doing you smile and say great because you can’t complain, but really there are no words for how you are actually feeling. Yeah, that was me.

Sometimes we feel that the success and life we desire is just out of reach for us, but Fidel reminds us that what we desire is actually not something outside of us. Rather our success is something that comes from within.

Coaching is not just about what defines your occupation or career, but rather about who you are, how you hold space for yourself and for others, and how you support others in finding the same inner magic for themselves as well. Watch and share your thoughts on this video with your clients in your next email and/or social media post!

Coach Spotlight

Meet Jenn Taylor, BodyMind Method© Coach, Reiki Master, Intuitive, and Instinctive Meditation Coach

Jenn’s clients know they’re made for more! They want to make a serious impact on their communities and the world. Through BodyMind Coaching, Jenn supports her clients in making aligned decisions in their lives and businesses. They stop over-giving. They say no to everything that drains them. They call in their dream jobs and clients. They experience less anxiety, stress, pain and frustration. Their confidence skyrockets and they learn to trust themselves and their intuition. They experience true embodiment, and that’s the key to moving forward and making change.

We are so amazed by Jenn’s coaching power, but don’t take our word for it! Here’s what one of her clients had to say about it: “Jenn is a heart-centered, body-wise and brilliant coach who gets to the heart of the matter…” Amazing!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

The Heart Of Coaching Articles We're Using

‘You want to know the secret to success?’ The speaker’s bold voice reverberated throughout the auditorium. The thousands of people in attendance leaned in.

This is what I shared in a BodyMind Living article about success. Have you ever been in a moment like this? Where someone “important” is about to reveal the path to ______ (insert thing you desire)?

Understanding and exploring coaching can often feel this way. If you are being called to coach or already are a coach, the next program or certification can easily come across like this guy did to all of us in the crowd: as though what you need to be a good coach is something someone can simply share with you. I won’t leave you hanging, though, as the big reveal from the speaker was “GIVE! GIVING is the key to success! And if you want to reach your next level, you need to GIVE MORE!” Ugh.

We have found a different way to approach the heart of coaching and we realize that it’s nothing the BodyMind Living Team “gives” to you. Instead, we support you in finding your process for stepping into alignment with yourself, honoring your values, and creating structures of coaching support to invite others into from that aligned place. I invite you to read the rest of my article, and share what shows up for you over on IG @bodymindliving.

Products We Are Loving

Part of what we love about holistic folks and their coaching businesses is the beautiful ways they support their clients in actually learning to support themselves. Lauren Piro, BodyMind Method© Coach and creator and owner of Radicle Remedies does just that with this amazing personalized tea set and ritual starter box.

This set is specifically designed to help you set up your own practices around a warm mug of tea, grounding roll on oil, and amazing resources to help you get started! All of Lauren’s products are “made by hand with loving kindness. So you can feel good about feeling good!”

Love note from Laura

Oftentimes when we talk to amazing people like you, they are ready to create the flexibility and freedom they have dreamed of and coaching seems to be the path to support them. They know the power of their work as a coach or potential coach, but they often see the steps to their dream as linear… “I do this thing, then that, then this, and so on.”

At BodyMind Living, we see the parts and pieces of taking aligned action towards your business and life dreams more like an infinity symbol (which is why it’s a part of our logo!). As you take steps to solidify your coaching skills, you also need a structure for inviting folks in to receive your coaching.

As you invite people in and level up your offerings and prices, your gremlins show up and you need support around syncing up the intuitive knowing parts of you with the logical (and often fearful) parts of you. It’s about a partnership between these elements of the BodyMind Method©, not a series of clean, clear cut steps or figuring out one, single element of your business that will solve everything.

Join me this month as we continue to explore what coaching is all about, and why I think holistic people like you make the best coaches! I look forward to hearing from you as we go on this journey together!



P.S. If you are ready to claim who you get to be when you incorporate world-class coach training into your current work, I want you to know that you can get an early start with the next wave of the BodyMind Coaching program. Just head here to schedule a call with my team to get all of the details.

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