Why holding space is so powerful

There’s a question that we ask our clients early on when they start their BodyMind journey:

“When was the last time you felt like someone fully heard you and really listened to you?”

Our clients are amazed at how unheard they are in their daily lives! As coaches, you might hear this idea of “holding space,” and how it is the heart of coaching. But, you may not know exactly what that looks like. In this Weekly Connection, I’m going to share what holding space can look like because it is a powerful key to unlocking the heart of coaching.

So, what would it be like for you to be seen, heard, and held? And what would it be like to do that for your clients? I’m excited to share!

The Quote We Are Pondering

“Lighten up on yourself. No one is perfect. Gently accept your humanness.” ~Deborah Day

The first part of a new year often feels like a time to be on the hustle and grind train. Holding space in a coaching conversation or during a session with your clients is about the opposite of hustle and grind. It’s about grace. It’s about letting someone be heard so both you and your client can learn from what doesn’t work, learn from mistakes, and learn from the imperfections that make you, YOU!

The lessons we learn from failure are just as important as the lessons we learn from success. Your humanness is your power. So, how can you be gentle with yourself during your next session with a client and tune into your body… because it will tell you exactly what it needs? Then, how can you do this for your clients?

Grab this quote to share on Instagram, share your powerful plan to embrace the imperfections as you hold space for the imperfections of others. Then tag us @bodymindliving!

The Embodiment Exercise We’re Loving

Embodiment video for holding space

Can your entire business change with ONE WORD?

This Weekly Connection is focused on holding space as a huge component of heart-centered coaching, and I want to invite you into this video where I share the importance of you taking up your space. In the video, I share a small pivot that allowed me to go from a booked solid (and burnt out) massage therapist to helping my clients get better results while freeing up space and time on my calendar.

Yes, it’s possible. Yes, it involves you taking up more space by fully owning who you are. And, it was ONE WORD that changed it all. Tune in to find out the word, how to “take up all of your space,” and then share this with your clients as you see fit. If sharing on social media, be sure to tag us @bodymindliving.

Coach Spotlight

Meet Julie Kouyate, BodyMind Method© Coach and Sacred Living Coach

Julie is no stranger to taking up space and holding space for her clients. As a BodyMind Method© coach, she leads her clients through spiritual transformation while using what she calls “sacred self care.” She explains the power of her space-holding as follows:

I truly enjoy guiding women in finding their true voice and watching them become empowered by claiming their uniqueness and their time back! I believe when we open up and heal we truly heal the heart of the mother and humanity itself.

So good, right?!

The Articles We’re Reading & Using With Our Clients

honoring yourself and holding space

Hi! My name is Carolyn Ulitsky, and I am a recovering people pleaser and recovering over giver.

Anyone else nodding with Carolyn as you read this? Or, you may be thinking, “Recovering? I’m still people-pleasing over here!” Wherever you are, Carolyn’s article on navigating boundaries, titled “An Invitation to Trust Yourself,” really offers a beautiful connection between holding boundaries and holding space for yourself and others.

See, when we really connect with ourselves first, honor our values, and create boundaries to live out our values, we allow ourselves to show up more fully for others. Carolyn explains it like this:

What I’ve come to learn is that boundaries are the gatekeepers to our values. When you are living your values, the boundaries are what allows you to navigate what is aligned with you. It’s an opportunity to build trust in yourself with an understanding of your boundaries and your values.

She calls it being “your own gatekeeper.” Holding space doesn’t mean we overgive. Holding space is about knowing where we end and our clients begin, and maintaining that line in a clear and loving way. I invite you to explore this further through writing after reading the rest of the article. Share the article in your next email to support your clients in doing the same!

Resources For Your Holistic Practice

“If you are going to coach, then you must receive coaching.” This was a big “aha” shared during a recent training conversation shared by myself and Carly Clark Zimmer, the Program Coordinator for the BodyMind Coaching program.

I invite you to watch and learn how we hold space for our clients through our 4-in-1 coach training program. See, we know that becoming a coach is about learning how to empower clients’ transformations. However, learning how to hold a coaching relationship through a conversation without a container of support that connects the body and the mind will limit results.

And, if you don’t know how to activate change, the start of the container of support, so you can begin coaching someone in the first place, your results will be limited as well. And, finally, if you aren’t yourself coached and don’t learn how to deepen and expand your own work, your results will be limited.

This video shares how we combine all of these in the BodyMind Coaching program. As you watch, explore how you can do this for your clients in your own unique way as well as how this kind of a program might support you!

Love note from Laura

I want to leave you with more curiosity around the idea of holding space, and I think you can practice it for this coming Valentine’s Day. What if for Valentine’s day, you shifted the focus from the chocolates, the flowers, the grand gestures? What if, instead, you focused on simply holding space for the people you love?

Let them be heard.
Let them be loved.

What would that do? The greatest gift that coaches give is the space for somebody to hear themselves. Now is as good of a time as any to start practicing just that!


P.S. If you are ready to claim who you get to be when you incorporate world-class coach training into your current work, I want you to know that you can get an early start with the next wave of the BodyMind Coaching program. Just head here to schedule a call with my team to get all of the details.

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